
NextUI provides a set of amazing out of the box Stitches utilities. Once you get used to them, you can save a lot of time writing css-in-js code.

Stitches allows you to create a set of utilities that can be used for styling components so we create a custom set that can be used for styling the NextUI components.

Unfortuantely, NextUI doesn't support custom utilities yet, we hope to add this feature in the future.


You can use any of the utilities through the css prop or using the styled function, these properties are detailed here


export const utils = {
  // Abbreviated padding properties
  p: (value) => ({
    padding: value
  pt: (value) => ({
    paddingTop: value
  pr: (value) => ({
    paddingRight: value
  pb: (value) => ({
    paddingBottom: value
  pl: (value) => ({
    paddingLeft: value
  px: (value) => ({
    paddingLeft: value,
    paddingRight: value
  py: (value) => ({
    paddingTop: value,
    paddingBottom: value
  // Abbreviated padding properties
  m: (value) => ({
    margin: value
  mt: (value) => ({
    marginTop: value
  mr: (value) => ({
    marginRight: value
  mb: (value) => ({
    marginBottom: value
  ml: (value) => ({
    marginLeft: value
  mx: (value) => ({
    marginLeft: value,
    marginRight: value
  my: (value) => ({
    marginTop: value,
    marginBottom: value
  ta: (value) => ({
    textAlign: value
  tt: (value) => ({
    textTransform: value
  to: (value) => ({
    textOverflow: value
  d: (value) => ({ display: value }),
  dflex: (value) => ({
    display: 'flex',
    alignItems: value,
    justifyContent: value
  fd: (value) => ({
    flexDirection: value
  fw: (value) => ({ flexWrap: value }),
  ai: (value) => ({
    alignItems: value
  ac: (value) => ({
    alignContent: value
  jc: (value) => ({
    justifyContent: value
  as: (value) => ({
    alignSelf: value
  fg: (value) => ({ flexGrow: value }),
  fs: (value) => ({
    fontSize: value
  fb: (value) => ({
    flexBasis: value
  bc: (value) => ({
    backgroundColor: value
  bf: (value) => ({
    backdropFilter: value
  bg: (value) => ({
    background: value
  bgBlur: (value) => ({
    bf: 'saturate(180%) blur(10px)',
    bg: value
  bgColor: (value) => ({
    backgroundColor: value
  backgroundClip: (value) => ({
    WebkitBackgroundClip: value,
    backgroundClip: value
  bgClip: (value) => ({
    WebkitBackgroundClip: value,
    backgroundClip: value
  br: (value) => ({
    borderRadius: value
  bw: (value) => ({
    borderWidth: value
  btrr: (value) => ({
    borderTopRightRadius: value
  bbrr: (value) => ({
    borderBottomRightRadius: value
  bblr: (value) => ({
    borderBottomLeftRadius: value
  btlr: (value) => ({
    borderTopLeftRadius: value
  bs: (value) => ({
    boxShadow: value
  ds: (value) => ({
    dropShadow: value
  shadow: (value) => ({
    boxShadow: value
  dshadow: (value) => ({
    dropShadow: value
  dropShadow: (value) => ({
    filter: `$dropShadows${value}`
  normalShadow: (value) => ({
    boxShadow: `0 4px 14px 0 $colors${value}`
  normalShadowVar: (value) => ({
    boxShadow: `0 4px 14px 0 ${value}`
  lh: (value) => ({
    lineHeight: value
  ov: (value) => ({ overflow: value }),
  ox: (value) => ({
    overflowX: value
  oy: (value) => ({
    overflowY: value
  pe: (value) => ({
    pointerEvents: value
  events: (value) => ({
    pointerEvents: value
  us: (value) => ({
    WebkitUserSelect: value,
    userSelect: value
  userSelect: (value) => ({
    WebkitUserSelect: value,
    userSelect: value
  w: (value) => ({ width: value }),
  h: (value) => ({ height: value }),
  mw: (value) => ({ maxWidth: value }),
  maxW: (value) => ({
    maxWidth: value
  mh: (value) => ({
    maxHeight: value
  maxH: (value) => ({
    maxHeight: value
  size: (value) => ({
    width: value,
    height: value
  minSize: (value) => ({
    minWidth: value,
    minHeight: value,
    width: value,
    height: value
  sizeMin: (value) => ({
    minWidth: value,
    minHeight: value,
    width: value,
    height: value
  maxSize: (value) => ({
    maxWidth: value,
    maxHeight: value
  sizeMax: (value) => ({
    maxWidth: value,
    maxHeight: value
  appearance: (value) => ({
    WebkitAppearance: value,
    appearance: value
  scale: (value) => ({
    transform: `scale(${value})`
  linearGradient: (value) => ({
    backgroundImage: `linear-gradient(${value})`
  tdl: (value) => ({
    textDecorationLine: value
  // Text gradient effect
  textGradient: (value) => ({
    backgroundImage: `linear-gradient(${value})`,
    WebkitBackgroundClip: 'text',
    WebkitTextFillColor: 'transparent'
  truncateText: (value: Stitches.PropertyValue<'width'>) => ({
    maxWidth: value,
    whiteSpace: 'nowrap',
    overflow: 'hidden',
    textOverflow: 'ellipsis'

Note: If you would like we to add more utilities, please let us know on NextUI Discussions, or on Discord.

Theme Map

NextUI tokens types are automatically mapped to CSS Properties for an improved developer experience.

Here the detailed list of all the mapped tokens:

export const themeMap = {
  width: 'space',
  height: 'space',
  minWidth: 'space',
  maxWidth: 'space',
  minHeight: 'space',
  maxHeight: 'space',
  flexBasis: 'space',
  gridTemplateColumns: 'space',
  gridTemplateRows: 'space',
  blockSize: 'space',
  minBlockSize: 'space',
  maxBlockSize: 'space',
  inlineSize: 'space',
  minInlineSize: 'space',
  maxInlineSize: 'space',
  borderWidth: 'borderWeights'

You can read this for more information about defaultStitchesThemeMap.

gradient blue backgroundgradient violet background